吳季剛婚後首度貼出與老公合照,感性感謝身邊親朋好友。翻攝Jason Wu IG 台裔設計師吳季剛(Jason Wu)近日和同性伴侶古斯塔沃藍傑爾(Gustavo Rangel)結婚,轟動時尚圈,但他在婚禮後一直尚未在IG分享與老公的合照,反倒是貼出與德國女星黛安克魯格合影大頭照。而直到今天,他終於分享和老公在婚禮中牽手的甜蜜照片,並抒發對完婚的感想。
他寫道「這個周末可說是我一生中最快樂的時光,我覺得我是全世界最幸運的人。」而他除了感謝參與的朋友外,也用了極大篇幅感謝家人,感謝家人對他的支持和愛,並在結尾感性表示:「I love you guys endlessly.」(我對你們的愛永無止盡)。(張家玲/綜合報導)
吳季剛IG全文: This weekend I celebrated one of the happiest days of my life. I got married to @tavonyc and I feel like the luckiest person in the world. I am so grateful for my friends who joined us@hotelesencia but most of all to my parents, Hank and Jennifer and my brother and sister Kevin and Migumi for being the most loving, supportive, and special people in my life. I love you guys endlessly. Photo by @sarahkusz