▲蘇里(Manil Suri)和他的小說《The City of Devi》的兩種書封。(圖/取自網路)
最爛性愛描述獎(Bad Sex In Fiction Award)又來啦!美國馬里蘭大學巴爾的摩分校(UMBC,University of Maryland, Baltimore County)印度裔數學系教授蘇里(Manil Suri)也愛寫小說,他的第3本著作《The City of Devi》將3P性愛場面描述成「那瞬間肯定有超新星爆炸」(Surely supernovas explode that instant),把評審都雷翻了,成為今年最爛性愛描述獎的得主。
最爛性愛小說獎是由英國《Literary Review》雜誌頒發,創設於1993年,每年獎勵以粗魯、荒謬、沒品味描述性愛的文學作品。54歲蘇里的《The City of Devi》敘述核災威脅下的孟買,女子莎莉塔(Sarita)、她的丈夫卡倫(Karun)和同性戀穆斯林傑茲(Jaz)的三角戀,書中寫道:
"Surely supernovas explode that instant, somewhere, in some galaxy. The hut vanishes, and with it the sea and the sands – only Karun』s body, locked with mine, remains. We streak like superheroes past suns and solar systems, we dive through shoals of quarks and atomic nuclei. In celebration of our breakthrough fourth star, statisticians the world over rejoice."
對於蘇里獲獎,出版商Bloomsbury打圓場,舉出托爾斯泰(Leo Tolstoy)在《安娜卡列尼娜》(Anna Karenina)寫的「There are as many kinds of love as there are hearts」,提醒大家世上有各種型式的愛,為何不能包容別人的愛呢?